What Kind of Reporting is Included in Your Employee Satisfaction Survey Packages?

Investing in the right types of employee satisfaction survey packages can help key decision makers within your company by providing accurate and timely reports. Implementing employee satisfaction surveys regularly and making sure you have enough employees participating will help you gather enough data to draw accurate conclusions about the state of the company and your employees’ perspectives on different matters. Engagement surveys can be very effective for determining whether your employees are truly happy with their positions, what areas need improvement, and can also provide benchmark data to compare your organization’s performance with others in the same industry.
Here is a closer look at the types of reporting metrics that may be included in your employee satisfaction survey packages:
Executive Summary
At the very basic level, your employee satisfaction survey packages will include an executive summary that provides an overview of the results for the owner or management team. This will provide a fairly accurate analysis of top performing and bottom performing areas for each report segment and for the company as a whole. This will also shed light on what is most important to the majority of your employees at this time.
Net Promoter Score
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) will break down employee responses into those who are promoters (are happily engaged with the company and possibly looking for growth opportunities) and detractors (those who may be unhappy with their position or the company, and may be disloyal). Reviewing these scores closely can give you a comprehensive idea of how satisfied most of your employees are within your organization. The Net Promoter Score is a valuable addition to any employee satisfaction survey packages and can be used to measure several areas at the same time.
Engagement Index
This is valuable data for any organization and is an essential part of your employee satisfaction survey packages. An engagement index score in your employee satisfaction survey packages will show you the percentage of employees that are engaged and the distribution of employee engagement. You can compare this information against industry benchmarks of other organizations and review ratings across several core areas of engagement, such as job satisfaction, career advancement opportunities, and sense of teamwork within a department.
Qualitative Verbatim Report
Some employee satisfaction survey packages may include information in a section with qualitative data. Your qualitative verbatim report may include unedited comments for individual report segments to make it easier for you to define specific areas that are in need of improvement; examples include the ability of the management team to handle conflict, optimism levels, and what employees think about new ideas or projects in motion.
Year on Year Changes
If you implement employee engagement surveys regularly, you may want to compare year on year data to see if any progress has been made in different areas. Your employee satisfaction survey packages may include comparison data for previous surveys and years, and graphs that indicate positive or negative change. This can help you hone in on key areas that need to be improved upon as well as highlight areas where management has made good progress.
Learn more about custom reports and employee survey benefits packages that will be a good fit for your company by contacting Flex Surveys today.
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