Employee Attitude Survey Questionnaire

At Flex Surveys, we’re focused on giving you a choice of employee attitude survey questionnaires so that you can choose the solution that best meets your needs. When you partner with us, you’ll start by choosing from one of our three employee attitude survey questionnaire templates. Each of these options can then be customized to your preferences.
Flex 15
Details: The Flex 15 employee attitude survey questionnaire is Flex Surveys’ shortest survey. We created this survey specifically for use in small companies and companies with fast-paced environments, such as retail outlets. The Flex 15 is also perfect for industries or workgroups where employees have limited access to computer terminals since employees can complete this employee attitude survey questionnaire on their mobile phones.
Pros: The Flex 15 was designed to generate high response rates. With this in mind, the survey takes less than three minutes to complete and the content of this employee attitude survey questionnaire is very general. This option will give you a quick, high-level view of what’s going on in your business. Moreover, it does include a number of key questions that are widely used throughout other organizations’ employee attitude survey questionnaires. This means that you’ll have lots of data that can be used for benchmarking.
Cons: Keep in mind that a pulse survey like the Flex 15 won’t necessarily give you every bit of information you need to identify the cause of a problem within your organization. Should the Flex 15 identify an area of concern, you’ll need to conduct focus groups, meetings, or find other ways to gather reasons for why employees feel the way they do.
Flex 50
Details: The Flex 50 employee attitude survey questionnaire is Flex Surveys’ most popular option. This survey is composed of between 40 and 60 questions and covers all of the important topics your employees care about.
Pros: The Flex 50 is very easy to implement in your company, no matter how many people you employ or what industry you’re in. It’s designed to be used on mobile phones and tablets and takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete. The additional questions will give you more data, making it easier to create action plans and initiatives as you move forward. The reports we deliver to you will help you identify the key areas that keep your employees satisfied and engaged on the job.
Cons: The longer length of this employee attitude survey questionnaire may deter some employees from completing it. On the other hand, the Flex 50 really is the perfect balance of longer and shorter employee attitude surveys. Employees who take the survey will likely find it easy to complete and relevant to their everyday working lives.
Flex 100
Details: The Flex 100 is the longest employee attitude survey questionnaire offered by Flex Surveys. It typically takes at least 15 minutes to complete but provides the most in-depth data. It gives you a high level of granular information that’s ideal for mid- to large-sized companies whose senior executives may not interface with employees on a regular basis.
Pros: The Flex 100 is the ideal employee attitude survey questionnaire for companies with different divisions or that do business in different industries. It also allows you to gather detailed information from diverse employee groups who may have unique—and important—opinions to share.
Cons: Due to the length of the Flex 100, your response rates may be lower. For this reason, we suggest allowing employees to complete the Flex 100 during work hours. You may also want to think about your employees’ daily schedules to make sure they have the opportunity to complete the employee attitude survey questionnaire.
All of our employee attitude survey questionnaires ask questions on a variety of topics that are crucial to the health and success of your business. Our employee attitude surveys also include questions that allow you to create benchmarks, as well as customized questions that address issues that are specific to your particular company. Regardless of which employee attitude survey you choose, you can trust that Flex Surveys’ products are all compliant with industry standards.
To learn more about how Flex Surveys can help customize your employee engagement survey questionnaire, please visit our website at Employee Attitude Surveys.
Feel free to free to contact us at 877.327.5085.
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