Employee Pulse Surveys are an important part of your organizational process as they provide valuable feedback and insights from employees.
Our team of experts is standing by to customize your Employee Pulse Survey to cater to your organization’s unique requirements.

Below are our recommended Employee Pulse Survey Questions

1) How likely would you be to recommend COMPANY as a place to work?
2) How likely would you be to recommend COMPANY’s products or services?
3) In my role, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day 
4) I know what is expected of me at work
5) I have the opportunity to share my thoughts and ideas
6) I have the tools and resources I need to do my job well
7) Our organization provides opportunities for career
8) There is a strong sense of teamwork and cooperation within my immediate team
9) My fellow employees are committed to doing quality work
10) My manager has a sincere interest in my well-being
11) I have close personal connections at work
12) Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to learn and grow
13) I receive regular constructive feedback on my overall job performance
14) I am proud to work at COMPANY
15) Over the past year, COMPANY has improved for the better
16) I plan on continuing my career with COMPANY for at least 2 more years
What is the single most important thing that you would change to improve employee satisfaction?
Do you have any other general comments that you would like to share?
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